Taqtile Community

Welcome to the Taqtile Community. If you’re new to Manifest spatial work instructions take a few minutes to review the Key Concepts. Then dive into the How-to Manifest tutorials to learn how to create and use spatial work instructions using all the Manifest tools for Web, 3D, and iPad.

Introduction to Manifest
Before you begin

Follow these simple steps to set up your account and unlock the full potential of Manifest.

Manifest Login

The following steps will help you through account setup and log into Manifest for first-time use.

Toolset Overview

Understand the various Manifest tools and identify which Manifest platform is right for the job.

Key Concepts
What is Work

At the core of Manifest’s suite of features is Work, an umbrella term used to refer to the execution of Jobs and Tasks

Job Evidence & Faults

While performing a Job, Manifest enables Operators to add evidence notes, such as a photo or video, or flag faults.

Creating Procedures

Document expert knowledge and author step-by-step AR enabled job templates using the suite of Manifest apps

Scanning QR Codes

QR codes are the reference point for spatial instructions. Learn the best practices for scanning them.